Ricardo's Local Authority free webinar - May/June 2025
This webinar will provide local authority teams with insight into local air quality management (LAQM) requirements, instrument technology and reporting developments. The webinar aims to provide an informal run through of current topics and relevant examples. The webinar date will be confirmed shortly.
Topics likely to be included will cover:
– Air quality sensor use around solid domestic fuel/wood burning– Air quality modelling for local authorities
– LSO/Local site operation and QC audit challenges
We will provide sign up details in due course. Alternatively, please contact David Madle at for further information.
Air Quality England Rebuild
If you have ideas around how we can improve the website, or areas where additional content would be useful, then please do let us know. For details on how we can help with your website requirements please contact David Madle, ph. 07968707279 or email