Local authority

Latest Summary

Number of monitoring sites in each pollution band. Last update on 2024-10-15 22:00:00


311% monitoring sites are reported very high 10


1% monitoring sites are reported very high 10


0% monitoring sites are reported very high 10


0% monitoring sites are reported very high 10


22% monitoring sites are reported very high 10

Working with EMAQ+

A training provider for local authorities environmental protection officers

Air Quality Monitoring Services

  • Air quality data management, dissemination and LSO services
  • QC audits to help ensure analysers are accurate
  • Ad-hoc and mobile monitoring
  • Modelling, Source Apportionment, Baseline emissions inventory
  • Low Emission Zone and Strategies

Real time monitoring services »

Reporting monitoring data

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You can output annual data reports setting out all information for LAQM by selecting your region, local authority and site to find this option

About this monitoring website

This website shows the latest near-real-time air quality data for UK Government, local authorties and the private sector across England.
Contact us if you would like to add your data to this website.

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LSO Videos

Ricardo Energy & Environment have produced detailed video guidance for LSOs

Screenshot of LSO video

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About Ricardo

Ricardo Energy & Environment is a world leader in air quality monitoring, data management and dissemination, with over 40 years' experience in monitoring, analysing and publishing data for UK Government and local authorities.

Visit the Ricardo E&E website »